Duvet Landscape
These Duvet paintings are the product of an encounter between two traditions in Western art - the landscape painting tradition and that of drapery, which extends from the early days of Greek sculpture through Renaissance art, Baroque, neo-classical paintings and into the portrait paintings of artists such as George Romney.
A bed, some linen, a duvet - though less than four square yards, this is where we live out a third of our lives. It is a place of birth, sickness, death, passion, conflict, alienation, sensuality, comfort, refuge and serenity.
Within the music of these folds we find indications of absence and presence.
Duvet 1 - Oil - 120cm x 100cm
Duvet 4 - Oil - 120cm x 100cm
Duvet 2 - Oil - 60cm x 80cm
Duvet 5 - Oil - 100cm x 100cm